Sed -i 's#template.*=.*/opt/smokeping-2.6.11/etc/#template = /opt/smokeping/etc/basepage.html#g' /opt/smokeping/etc/config Sed -i 's#mailhost.*=.* = '`hostname`'#g' /opt/smokeping/etc/config Sed -i 's#imgurl.*=.*cache#imgurl = /smokeping/img#' /opt/smokeping/etc/config The followin sed commands replace the template version with our actual directory and file names sed -i 's#/opt/smokeping-2.6.11/cache#/var/www/html/smokeping/img#' /opt/smokeping/etc/config
HowTo add new diskspace to Linux Server without rebootingĬhange/fix some default configuration entriesĪs we are using the default configuration of the smokeping package, we have to change some settings to match our installtion.CereusAgent – Multi/Remote poller for Cacti.